Center for Surgery and Public Health

Dennis Paul Orgill, MD, PhD

Dr. Dennis Orgill is a reconstructive plastic surgeon, Medical Director of the Wound Care Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School.  Dr. Orgill has a particular clinical interest in complex adult reconstructive procedures including treating complex wounds.  Dr. Orgill’s practice philosophy is to bring together the best team possible for complex reconstructive problems.  This frequently includes both surgical and medical experts.

Dr. Orgill has a PhD from MIT in Medical Engineering and runs a tissue engineering and wound healing laboratory at BWH. His research is focused on developing better technologies to treat wounds including work with artificial skin, micromechanical forces, platelets and stem cells. He has consulted for several medical device and start-up companies and is the inventor on several patents. He worked on the team that developed Integra, a skin replacement therapy that has been commercially developed and used successfully on thousands of patients.

BWH Profile

Harvard Catalyst Profile