Center for Surgery and Public Health

Adham Makarem, MD, MPH

Research Fellow

Mentors: Akinobu Itoh, MD, PhD; Asishana A. Osho, MD, MPH

Adham Makarem, MD, MPH, is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Division of Cardiac Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Born and raised in Ras El-Maten, Lebanon, he received the Mastercard Foundation scholarship and completed his B.S. in Medical Laboratory Sciences and his Doctorate of Medicine (MD) from the American University of Beirut. He then earned two graduate diplomas from the Program for Advanced Injury Research (MENA-PAIR) at Yale University School of Medicine and from the Scholars in Health Research Program (SHARP). Afterwards, he was the first MD ever to receive the Fulbright Scholarship and pursued his MPH at Boston University School of Public Health, concentrating on Health Policy and Law, and Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He then pursued advanced studies in Biostatistics at Harvard University. Dr. Makarem has a longstanding interest in cardiothoracic surgery and transplantation, and his primary research at CSPH will focus on CT surgical outcomes, health services research, and thoracic transplantation policies. He will also be conducting multi-centered clinical trials in the CT surgical field. In his free time, he enjoys writing calligraphy, playing sports, and exploring new place with friends and family.